88 professors

45 university professors

25 tenure-track positions

1060 employees

61 Nationalities

~ 25 % non-scientific staff

9.064 students

2.098 first-year students

(WS 2023)

~ 16 million euros

third-party funds

in 2022

835 publications in 2022

697 in peer reviewed journals

106 Publications in Journals with Impact Factor >10

24 awards and grants

19 ERC Grants

2 Wittgenstein Awards

3 START Grants



Interview with Bea Maas, our Faculty's new Sustainability Coordinator


The Faculty Day 2021 is taking place in form of an online conference, involving our newly appointed...


The diverse chromosomal structure of muntjac deer gives deep insights into evolution of population...


"DaRe to Connect" project shows research results on the connectedness of protected areas in Europe. ...


First place in the category "Cooperate" goes to the climate education team of the Austrian...


Climate change favors the spread of invasive species and potential pathogens.