News & Events

ERN-Environmental Engagements: talks

02.03.2022 17:00 - 03.03.2022 16:58

Franz Essl "There is no future on a dead planet"

About the talk

There is a growing recognition that we are living in a the midst of a global biodiversity crises caused by the pervasive impacts of human on the global environment. This grave developments put the survival of a large number of species at risk, and it has severe ramifications for the future of human societies. In my talk, I will summarize the status quo of species and ecosystems, and I will exaimne tjhe trends and the causes of biodiversity loss. I will then provide zoom in on the Austrian context. Finally, I will outline options for bending the curve of global and national biodiversity loss.

About the speaker

Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Franz Essl is group leader of the BioInvasions-team at the Department of Botany and Biodiversity Research at the University Vienna. His research focuses on biodiversity change in the Anthropocene with a special interest in biological invasions. He is also strongly interested into translating scientific findings into policy relevant documents such as IPBES and the CBD. He has written several books, and c. 250 scientific publications. His work is highly recognized by peers and he has been included into the list of Highly Cited Scientists.

Language: English

When: 02.03.2022, 17:00-18:30, (45 min Talk, 45 min Q&A)

Where: Zoom:

Meeting-ID: 642 3118 5597, Kenncode: 598853

no registration required!


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