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REsolution: opening the gates for new medicines


How do molecules such as vitamins, nutrients and drugs enter our organs and cells? Why do some of us take up certain molecules more easily than others? The REsolution consortium studies how differences in the genetic makeup of so-called transporter genes, encoding proteins that allow molecules to pass cellular membranes, may account for those differences.

The REsolution consortium includes universities, research institutes, a small-medium-sized enterprise, and European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) members. Starting on June 1, 2021 and with a duration of 2 years, the project aims to understand how genetic variants in humans affect the function of hundreds of cellular transporters. The project, led by Pfizer and the CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has received funding through the IMI joint undertaking consisting of €1 million from the H2020 Programme of the European Union and €1 million from in-kind contributions of industry partners.

From the university of Vienna, the Pharmacoinformatics Research Group, led by Gerhard Ecker, is one of the consortium partners.

Pharmaceutical Sciences, (c) Universität Wien, der Knopfdrücker