Gerhard Herndl (Dept. of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology) studies microbial life and carbon...
Carina Zittra (Dep. of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology) has been awarded a WWTF grant in...
Chickpeas are drought-resistant legumes with a high protein content.
Together with chimpanzees, bonobos are our closest living relatives. The great apes, which are only...
The discovery of animal life below the seafloor at hydrothermal vents in the East Pacific Rise is...
The University of Vienna and Lake Neusiedl-Seewinkel National Park spent three years researching the...
On Friday, the 1st of March 2024, a symposium in rememberance of two important professors of the Research Group Plant Biogeography of the department...
The Vienna Doctoral School of Ecology and Evolution is excited to announce its first annual Symposium