88 professors

45 university professors

25 tenure-track positions

1060 employees

61 Nationalities

~ 25 % non-scientific staff

9.064 students

2.098 first-year students

(WS 2023)

~ 16 million euros

third-party funds

in 2022

835 publications in 2022

697 in peer reviewed journals

106 Publications in Journals with Impact Factor >10

24 awards and grants

19 ERC Grants

2 Wittgenstein Awards

3 START Grants



The groundbreaking ceremony in Brno was just the first of many events marking the 200th birthday of...


UniVie stands with Ukraine


Franz Essl "There is no future on a dead planet"


He and his team specialize in the analysis of ancient DNA to investigate early human migration,...


A new analysis of human remains that were buried in African archaeological sites has produced the...


A new research method shows: Rocks probably originated in northern Italy. This sheds new light on...