88 professors

45 university professors

25 tenure-track positions

1060 employees

61 Nationalities

~ 25 % non-scientific staff

9.064 students

2.098 first-year students

(WS 2023)

~ 16 million euros

third-party funds

in 2022

835 publications in 2022

697 in peer reviewed journals

106 Publications in Journals with Impact Factor >10

24 awards and grants

19 ERC Grants

2 Wittgenstein Awards

3 START Grants



International survey shows strong discrepancy between research and practice

In order to minimize...


Experts from the University of Vienna explain how their research relates to the COVID-19 pandemic...


Galerie rauminhalt_harald bichler presents new works by Stefan Oláh in an extensive solo exhibition...

Women in Biology veranstaltet gemeinsam mit Kolleginnen aus den Geowissenschaften, der Chemie (Women...


Christoph Rademacher, Professor of Molecular Drug Targeting at the University of Vienna, is...


Mongolia boosted cultural exchange between East and West Eurasia


Over one-fifth of the world's...