Research Data Management at the Faculty

Meet our Data Steward

Emily Kate is your first point of contact for all questions related to Research Data Management (RDM) and open science and can provide advice about how to manage data at all stages of the research life cycle! She can also help you navigate all of the research services offered at UNIVIE by answering questions and acting as a liaison between researchers and support units. Finally, Emily also regularly provides training on topics in RDM and Open Science. 

You can book a one-on-one appointment with Emily via email or by telephone and she regularly travels to all of the UNIVIE locations that host the Faculty of Life Sciences.

What are some of tasks the data steward can assist with?

  • Writing data management plans 
  • Organizing research data 
  • Selecting data storage solutions
  • Choosing data repositories and archives
  • Assessing new service needs 
  • Research related legal agreements 
  • On-demand RDM and Open Science seminars

Dr. Emily J. Kate 

Data Steward

Faculty of Life Sciences




UBB 4.082

What can I find on the Life Sciences Data Steward Wiki Page?

  • RDM training dates for master's and Ph.D. Students + sign-up 
  • RDM training dates for courses open to all UNIVIE affiliates + sign-up 
  • RDM + Open Science Seminar Series info and links 
  • Comprehensive list of UNIVIE researcher services 
  • Annotated data management plan templates for major funders 
  • And more!